Rocky Road IMG_9331.jpg

Rocky Road

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Monument Valley

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Joshua Tree

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Day Lily + Honeysuckle + Grapevine

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Birch Tree + Crabapple + Burning Bush

vibrant painting of peace lily palms and ferns vibrant painting of plants on the wall in a room

Peace Lily + Palms

Colorful acrylic painting of Rhododendron and Mountain Laurel Affordable and vibrant floral painting on wall of art studio

Mountain Laurel + Rhododendron

(Not) An Octopus' Garden IMG_7498.jpg

(Not) An Octopus' Garden

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Kelp! I Need Somebody

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Keep Palm And Carry On

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Leaf It Be

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You Say Goodbye and I Say Aloe

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I Get By With A Little Help From My Fronds

Original painting of Quechee Gorge Vermont in the autumn detail of painting Quechee Gorge, Vermont with artist signature

Quechee Gorge, Vermont

from $120.00
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Apple Blossom Genes

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To everything there is a season

Chicago River (Michigan Ave) IMG_9905.jpg

Chicago River (Michigan Ave)

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Chicago River (South Branch)

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Grand Canyon Sunrise

Cañones, New Mexico IMG_9487.jpg

Cañones, New Mexico

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Monaco (sun view)

Sweeping landscape painting of the Mediterranean Sea in the South of France Large painting Cape Martin in green backyard

Cap Martin

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Menton (Old Town)

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Monaco (exotic garden)

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Menton (Sea View)

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Sete Cidades, Azores

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Egg Flowers Over Easy

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Peace (Lilies) on Earth

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Original floral painting of pulmonaria and pokeweed Detail of painting Proliferate by Katie Jurkiewicz


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Boat Lily + Chinese Money Plant

very large painting of lemon and orange trees on a red background Painting Oranges & Lemons on the wall with a chair and a plant

Oranges & Lemons
